KISS Racing

Sailboat racing in Dayton Bay has been around for decades. In the 21st century we’ve opened the doors to this fun, engaging, and enjoyable activity. Our goal is to provide the opportunity to race a sailboat to anyone who wants it.

What is KISS Racing?

 KISS is an acronym for Keep It Simple Saturday. When KISS racing was started in 2000, it was meant to be 1) an easy, low-key opportunity for any member of South Flathead Yacht Club to get into racing, and 2) an opportunity for more experienced racers to play on a regular basis. We’ve been pretty successful keeping things simple and giving the “racers” a chance to race on a regular basis, but the Race Committee suspects that racing remains vaguely threatening – or at least confusing – for dock sailors who have never tried it. So, if you’ve never raced and think it might be fun but literally have no idea how to start, here’s your opportunity.

We race nine Saturdays (ten in some years). Skippers’ meeting is at 9:30 am at the Harbor House flagpole and races start at 10:30 am, or as soon as there is wind. We have two primary formats depending on boat participation and race official availability. It is heavily suggested you acquire a marine VHF radio for KISS racing. SFYC Race channel is 69 and race information is broadcast on that channel.  This includes timing sequences and any sound signal meanings. (How to Start a KISS Race)

We race according to the current Racing Rules of Sailing, except there are no protests. Racers are expected to follow the rules to the best of their knowledge and ability and if they foul another boat, take their penalty turns. If there’s a rule problem we try to discuss it among ourselves after the race or before the next weekend. KISS races are meant to be fun, learning experiences, not the America’s Cup. (The KISS Rules of Racing)

It helps to make as many weekends as possible to be competitive. However, more importantly, you don’t have to be competitive to have a lot of fun and become a better sailor. If you'd like to give it a try, ask a member of the race committee, an officer, or email us here. 

Distance Format

Distance is currently the most common format used. With good sailing all over the western side of the lake we use it all to ensure a good day out on the water.  In this format the start is set to a known time, usually at the top or bottom of the hour.  To ensure the same wind conditions a single start is used. Starting format will be determined at the morning flagpole meeting.  Once across the line participants will write down the time of their finish ((HH:MM:SS) Not elapsed time) and the RC will calculate and post the results. 

Buoy Racing

 Buoy racing is the classic KISS Race series.  If necessary boats will be divided into appropriate fleets depending on handicap. We try for three one-lap races: windward-leeward-windward back to the start-finish line, about 2 miles total. As soon as everyone finishes, we start the timing sequence for the next race. A typical race takes 40 to 50 minutes and no starts after 2:00 pm. Multiple short races maximize the number of starts, which many of us consider the most fun part of a race. Unless otherwise noted races will be started with a standard start (5-4-1) on a 10 minute warning.If we are unable to provide a committee boat the schedule will indicate No Host Buoy Racing (NHBR). Marks will be set and a time start will be used. Boats will self report.


Q: Why don't you start pursuit style?

A: There were concerns that the increasing winds at starting time affected the overall race and many missed the challenge of an overall start. If enough call is heard for changing the starting style, it may well change back. 

Q: Why are all races based on handicap for overall victory?

A: In 2023 we started to list line honors in our race reports. We are diverse group of boats and the idea is we're all on the same field. Although not perfect handicap racing hopes to even that field. 

Q: Why do I need to get a VHF radio?

A: We all like to race and without volunteers who are willing to run a committee boat every Saturday, VHF radios ensure that vital race communications can be sent and received. Since KISS racing starts on time, save for hosted buoy racing during our regatta's, a dedicated committee boat is not needed. 

Q: What's with the self reporting at the end of races?

A: With everyone wanting to play and rightfully so the responsibly for race reporting falls on each individual participant. Every effort is made to ensure the process is simple and easy. We're exploring ways to be able to enter your finish time remotely. 

Q: I have a ______________ boat. Can I race with you?

A: Absolutely! Our goal is to make our series fun and enjoyable by all. We take that seriously and host boats of all sizes and designs.